How to Submit a Website To Google

Whether you have a business website or a personal blog, you'll want to drive traffic to your site. Learning how to submit a website to Google is one way to accomplish that. Google is the most popular search engines so it's important to use Google as a tool to promote your website. Following a few simple steps will teach you to easily submit a website to Google and you'll be on your way to internet followers.
  1. Venture to the add a URL to Google webpage. In order to submit a website to Google, you’ll want to visit the submit a URL internet page. A link to this page is listed in the resources section of this article.
  2. Type the URL of the page your are submitting in the empty box provided. When you submit a website to Google, you’ll want to look for the empty cell right after it says URL. This is where you will provide the web address you are trying to add to Google.
  3. Add comments about the website you are submitting to Google. You’ll want to give a little bit of information about the website you are trying to submit. Underneath of the URL: box you’ll see a box labeled Comments. You can provide the info regarding the website you are trying to submit to Google here
  4. Type the Captcha you see in the empty box underneath it. In order to prove you are a real person trying to submit a website to Google, you’ll want to type in the squiggly letters you see in the box provided.

  5. Hit the add URL button. After you’ve provide all the relevant information in the previous steps, the last step to submit a website to Google is to hit the add URL button.


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